Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Longwood's New Meadow Garden

It is quite obvious from some of my other posts that Longwood Gardens is one of my favorite places to visit and is a terrific place to photograph. A couple of weekends ago Kim and I made a visit there to check out their new Meadow Garden. I am so glad we did. What a wonderful addition!

From what I understand the new area is actually an expansion of a meadow that was previously open to visitors but wasn't really that well developed. This expansion was made possible due to the relocation of PA Route 52. Land that was once roadbed is now covered over by nature. Unless you know this you would never guess there was once a highway there.

I got a few photos, of course, but not as many as I would like. Trying not to get too technical the Sun was too high in the sky for shots to my liking. Next time I'll either get there a bit earlier in the day or carry a darker filter for my camera.

I did get a few good ones though! Here they are.

This one is from one of the many bird houses set up throughout the meadow.

And this isn't the greatest image but I had to share it. At the beginning of the Meadow Garden there is a large pond (or small lake?). I saw this and had to get a shot. Unfortunately I didn't have my long lens attached and had to shoot quickly. It is a beaver carrying grass to either nest or build a dam. Here it is.

 Of course we also walked around the rest of the gardens. In the Conservatory there is a water lily display that is closed in the Wintertime. Well it is finally opened. Here are some shots.

And for good measure here is a catfish.

And because I am feeling a little artistic here is a shot of a staircase near the water garden in black and white.

That's it for now. I hope you enjoyed the photos of our trip to Longwood. Please check back soon and please fell free to leave a comment. I would love to hear from you.

Until next time...


  1. I have always loved the water lily pond. It is so beautiful. Usually it is a hot day when I am there and I want to jump in but can't. *sigh* I'll just have to come over to use your pool. Great photos, Larry. You can almost imagine how things were before man took over the land.

    1. Thanks Kathy:) If you would like to go to Longwood You are welcome to go with us one day. Let me know and we can set it up. We also have a larger pool now.

    2. Yes. It is on our to do list for this summer.

  2. Just BEAUTIFUL!
    By the way....Kathy sent me but I would have vosited anyway !

    1. Thanks for the kind words Linda:) I truly appreciate it. Longwood is a very beautiful place and I feel privileged to live so close to it. Please check back soon. I have a few things I am working on.
