Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday View - 22 June 2024 Edition

So I set out early today to grab this morning's sunrise. I got to the park around 5:30 am and was all set. The forecast was for mostly sunny skies, with the keyword being mostly. There was exactly one heavy patch of clouds and of course it was right in front of the sun. But not ready to give up I headed to another part of the park where I could wait it out so to speak and perhaps see the sun rise above the clouds. I knew it would be a lot brighter than I usually shoot but I came prepared. I was using a new variable neutral density filter that tames the light and also has the added benefit of protecting my eye when I look through the viewfinder. Well the sun finally did show itself and it was very much worth the wait. For today's view I would like to share a few of my shots with you.

Until next time...

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