Friday, February 26, 2016

Exploration Photography Daily View - February 26, 2016

Hi and welcome to the Daily View!

Most who live in this region have undoubtedly heard of the financial woes that Atlantic City had faced due to the legalization of gambling in Pennsylvania. If not a quick visit will conform this. But if you look closely you will also see some revitalization taking place. The Boardwalk in particular.

The famous Atlantic City Boardwalk extends from border tio border on the north and south ends of the city but what I never knew is that at one time it also wrapped around and extended in along the inlet for several blocks. Several years ago it was wiped out by a storm (I believe Sandy) and has remained mostly unusable since. But it seems that within the next two years it will be repaired and once again open for public use. And from he plans and projections I saw it should be very nice. I sure hope it happens because the way I see it there is no reason Atlantic City should not be a booming ocean front resort as it once was. Geographically it is near perfect.

Today I would like to share a photo of this unknown to me section of the Boardwalk. It is one of the last pieces that still has boards.

I am sure that the actual boards have been replaced over the years but from what I have been told the concrete supports are original. A true testament to how well things used to be built. And check out the bench.

On another note I am changing up a little on the Weekly Roundup. I am working something out and will probably debut it tomorrow but overall it was somewhat time consuming and at times difficult to keep up with. So rather than continuing on a sporadic basis I am changing to something a bit simpler that I should be able to continue regularly. So stay tuned!

And that's all for now my friends. Thanks as always for stopping by!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. This is so....I'm not sure..majestic? A little sad? To still be standing;you're right a true testament.
    I really like the bench. not that I would trust the wood,but what would it feel like to sit there? Truly a powerful photo.
