Sunday, September 18, 2022

Sunday View - 18 September 2022 Edition

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View

After taking last Sunday off due to rain I headed to the Park today to grab some pictures of the sunrise. It was a bit cloudier than before and I had to wait for a while but eventually the sun did come into view and I was able to capture it. Because of it's height in the sky however I had a short window and had to shoot fast. And I did get a lot of good shots. But then I noticed something else. After five years or so my camera has developed several dirt spots on it's sensor and is in need of cleaning. And as such many of my pictures are not really usable. Yes, I clean them up in Photoshop and in fact did just that for the two I am sharing today but honestly it's just a hassle and time consuming. The good news is that I ordered a cleaning kit that will arrive tomorrow. I've never used one before but I'm sure it will go fine and with some luck I'll have a nice clean sensor next time. So anyhow I would like to share these two shots of this morning's sun.

And here is this morning's moon that I shot around 5:30 am. I used a tripod this time instead of shooting handheld so it's a little better tha my recent attempts.

And as an added bonus here is a short video of the moon. Nothing special but the crickets add a little background sound effect.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...