Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Tuesday View - January 1, 2019 Edition

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View

Happy New Year my friends!

It's a new year and I have some new projects in the works. In fact I am almost ready to share one of them with you. Maybe even tomorrow. I'm doing some fine tuning and have some people helping me with testing but I think it's almost ready. Stay tuned! Those of you who do know what I'm talking about please keep it under wraps until it's unveiling. Thanks!

Today I find it fitting to start off the year with one of my favorite and most popular subjects. I am of course talking about a squirrel. On Sunday I shot more than 400 frames of squirrels and to be honest I can only come up with a very small handful of what I would call useful images. I was toying around with the camera settings and used AUTO ISO (Film Speed) instead of manually setting it and most of the frames are too grainy for my liking. I think this one is pretty good though.

Click For Full Size Image

In addition to the new projects I am also making a few changes to this blog. I am still striving to post on a daily basis and will do so for as long as possible. I'm kind of stubborn like that! But to streamline things a bit I am making two main changes. First unless someone asks I am not sharing each images EXIF data. To be honest I think there's only a few out there who are truly interested in what camera and settings I used produce a picture. And second instead of showing the previous days photo in each post I am simply re-sharing it via Twitter and Facebook. I already do this with my mobile updates which have become more and more frequent anyway. So all in all nothing major. I am also going to be doing more robust posts. Kind of like in the early days when I first started out. And of course I will be doing some house cleaning and fixing things here and there.

So that's about it. I think the minor changes will be offset by tomorrow's (hopefully) unveiling.

That's all for now. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. The immediate changes sound good. Love squirrel! Looking forward to unveiling.
