Saturday, January 19, 2019

Saturday View - 19 January 2019 Edition

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View

Today was one of those very rare Saturdays for us because we spent the day at home. There was just so much to do to clean up after the holidays. I am happy to say though that things are pretty much done. In addition to cleaning inside I also spent some time outside cleaning the yard (aka The Cafe). And speaking of the Cafe I must say that it was a rather slow day. We did have a good number of birds and squirrels but not as many as usual. At least according to how much was eaten out of the feeders. I thought the weather was the reason but have since discovered there were two other reasons. One was a hawk spying over the yard for a while and second one of the local stray cats was sitting nearby watching the birds. But everything cleared up and business went back to normal. And that is when I shot today's photo.

Click For Full Size Image
In addition to doing some shooting with my camera today I also did a little video work. I set up my GoPro near a couple of the feeders for about 45 minutes or so and came away with a whopping 50 seconds of usable material. I told you it was a slow day. But what I got is pretty good so I am sharing it with you. Please remember to view it full screen and at 1080p for best quality.

And that will do it for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. Glad to hear business did pick up!

    1. Yes it did. And today it has been packed. I guess they are bulking up for the cold weather.
