Sunday, January 21, 2024

Sunday View - 21 January 2024 Edition

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View

Hi there my friends! Okay as I said yesterday I am making a small change to this blog. And it really is small but will make it easier for me to share every day. And here it is. Weekend posts will remain pretty much the same if not a little more detailed and hopefully better. During the week when time is a little more limited they will be briefer. What I mean is that there will be at least one photo but no commentary. Believe it or not that is the hardest part of posting for me when time is short. You'll see what I mean tomorrow. Of course if I happen to have something bigger to share I will. And that will be more likely in the summer months when the days are longer. So that's it and it's not really that big of a difference. So now for today's view.

It was another cold morning but it was really clear so I decided to grab some sunrise shots at the park.It was 20°F when I got there but at least the wind had calmed down since yesterday. At least at sunrise because it's a little breezier now. So I was able to grab some really nice pictures of the snow covered fields and the sun as it rose above the horizon. And I know I've mentioned this before but the reason the pictures get darker is because as the sun rises it gets brighter. I meter on the sun and this darkens the rest of the image so the entire frame doesn't get washed out. I shoot without any filters and this is the result. I may get a filter and see what happens sometime.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...