Saturday, January 29, 2022

Saturday View - 29 January 2022 Edition

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View

Well the snow came and it came in a pretty big way. We only got about 5 inches here but add in the cold and the high wind and it was a mess. And we were lucky because areas not too far from us got up to 16 inches. And through it all I did my best to keep up with the Cafe. I must have filled the bird bath four times with warm water and each time it was immediately used. The heated water bowl in the front of the house got lots of use too. So with all of this activity I was able to grab a lot of pictures. But out of them all I know what I would like to share for today's view. When I was out back taking some pictures of our holly trees I noticed a couple Robins in our dogwood tree. And then I turned to some of our taller trees and saw something I think is amazing, at least for January. I saw a lot of Robins. And I mean a lot. Take a look.


That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. You're not kidding! It looks like a 'robin tree'! Think they hung around hearing the
    Cafe was always open?

    1. It does look like a Robin tree! I think they come around because I keep warm fresh water out
