Sunday, January 12, 2020

Sunday View - 12 January 2020 Edition

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View

Yesterday was a very good day to photography squirrels at the Cafe. But today was even better. The weather forecast called for a good amount of morning rain but what rain we did get was well before sunrise. And like yesterday it was very warm. We made it to 67°F (about 19°C). A record for this day. I know it's not normal but I'll take it. So since it was so nice today we got a lot of work done in the yard. And while out there I was able to spend some time behind the camera as a few of our squirrels ran about. I shot about 90 frames and got a lot of good stuff that I will be sharing over the next few days. And for today's view I would like to start with this.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. Adorable! He looks so comfy perched there! Love the shot.

    1. Thanks! I love this shot. It's actually one of my favorites. In fact I'm getting a large print to frame.
