Sunday, June 30, 2019

Sunday View - 30 June 2019 Edition

Welcome To The Exploration Photography Daily View

After arriving home from the shore and running some errands I took a little time to shoot in my wildflower garden. It's getting bigger and I see more flowers every day. I have also started to see butterflies. I wasn't originally going for that but it's a good thing. I might even get some flowers that will attract more. So when I was finished shooting I happened to see a plain white butterfly (at least I think it was a butterfly) land on one of the bushes next to the garden. Having my camera in hand I proceeded to shoot a few frames to see if I could get a good shot and I ended up with more than I bargained for. Two butterflies (?) to be precise. I didn't see this when I shot it so it really was a pleasant surprise.

That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time...


  1. I have a black and orange (not a monarch) butterfly that has been around here. These look like moths to me.

    1. I thought that too but I was able to find butterflies like these in a quick Google search. And they are much larger than moths I've seen. Still, I am no expert.

  2. Doesn't I love the togetherness of the photo!matter what they are;

    1. Thanks, the two of them together certainly was a nice surprise.

  3. look like cabbage butterflies. Also, the underside of wings is duller and less colorful than the side we see when their wings are open. Butterflies sit with their wings spread open, moths (mostly night fliers) rest with their wings closed. You will see much more butterflies in August and September. They require at least 60 degrees to fly.

    1. Thanks for the info. I looked up cabbage butterflies and they do look like them.
